What Does It Mean For The Pope to Speak Ex Cathedral?

When the Pope speaks ex cathedra (Latin for “from the chair”), it means he is making a formal and authoritative declaration on matters of faith or morals, intended to be held by the entire Church. This is done in his role as the supreme teacher and leader of the Catholic Church. Such declarations are considered infallible, meaning they are free from error due to the guidance of the Holy Spirit, but this is only invoked in very specific, rare circumstances.

An example of when ex cathedra was invoked is the dogma of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. In 1950, Pope Pius XII formally declared that the Blessed Virgin Mary was assumed body and soul into heaven, a belief held by the Church for centuries. This was proclaimed as an infallible teaching, requiring all Catholics to accept it as a matter of faith. This is one of the few instances of a Pope exercising his ex cathedra authority.