Pope praises Kazakhstan’s support of nuclear weapons ban, peace VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Kazakhstan’s efforts to be a nation of encounter deserve to be encouraged and supported, Pope Francis said. And, in its 30 years of independence after… Continue Reading →
6 Miraculous Unfailing Marian Prayer In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen The Memorare Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone who fled to thy… Continue Reading →
4 Ways to Keeping Your Faith as a Student By now, we have seen advertisements for clothing, supplies, and even furniture as part of the back-to-school sales. For many, it is a time to return to a routine for nine… Continue Reading →
Mother Teresa Daily Powerful Prayer St. Teresa of Calcutta, one of the greatest saints of modern times, was an inspiration around the world, to both religious and non-religious people alike. Above all, Mother Teresa practiced what she preached, and her… Continue Reading →
This Prayer Despised by Evil Spirit. Marian consecration is an efficacious good that we should strive to live daily, acknowledging our mother’s presence in the details of our lives. Thus, we honour her with docility to the Divine Will since… Continue Reading →
3 Essence of One Powerful God Trinitarian theology can be overwhelming and intimidating. We’re not familiar with one essence and three persons. It just isn’t something we experience in our day-to-day lives. Instead, we meet people who have one essence… Continue Reading →
6 ways God Helps us when in Temptation Temptation reveals the condition of our hearts. Once an area of sin is exposed, we can eradicate it with God’s help. God uses these tough times of temptation to transform our hearts… Continue Reading →
How Christ Wants us to Reach Him By way of introduction, the Holy Spirit is the third person of the Blessed Trinity. In our catechism we learned that there are three persons in one God. They are the Father, the… Continue Reading →
Powerful Morning Adoration ”Blessed be the Holy Trinity!” Below is a short prayer that can be added to everyday routine, “Blessed be the holy Trinity” It is easy to memorize and most importantly expresses our undying hunger for God’s love… Continue Reading →
Untold Sin, in Wasting Food? Yes, it is wrong to waste food. Even non-Christians believe this too since it goes against a natural inclination toward global solidarity. The Church indirectly talks about our responsibility to help provide for those around… Continue Reading →
5 Saints Whose Patronage Came by Their Brave Death All of them are martyrs, and each of them has become forever linked to something related to the way they bravely died for the faith. From St. Clare being the patron… Continue Reading →
If In Difficulty Say this Prayer to St. AGATHA for a Miracle The heroic young woman was able to remain faithful in the midst of severe suffering. There will always be times in our lives when it is difficult to… Continue Reading →
3 Miraculous Healing Novenas for (Physical, Mental and Addictions) We are broken human beings. Our nature, wounded by Original Sin, has left a fragility in us that can only be strengthened, steeled, and fortified by Christ and the Blood He… Continue Reading →
5 Powerful Importance of Divine Mercy to Sinners It might seem incredibly obvious to state that “mercy is for sinners,” yet we can sometimes forget this foundational truth. Unless we actually spend time dwelling on this reality, we will utterly… Continue Reading →
Feast of our Lady of Seven Sorrows, Her 7 Powerful Promises and Prayers Devotion to Our Lady of Sorrows became a standard devotion in the Church around the 14th century. It was revealed to St. Bridget of Sweden (1303-1373) that… Continue Reading →
This 10 Question That Can Make You Rethink Your Faith by St. Francis De Sales 1. What is the aspect of your heart with respect to mortal sin? Are you firmly resolved never to commit it, let come what may?… Continue Reading →
The Best Food of Psalms Every worried soul Needs As Christians, we are called to trust in God every day, but putting your total trust in Him can be hard some days. We are continually battling our fears, worries, and… Continue Reading →
7 Reasons to Go for Confession Confession is a gift that keeps on giving. Go early, go often and bring the kids. At the Gregorian Institute at Benedictine College, we believe it is time for Catholics to imaginatively and vigorously… Continue Reading →
Five Myths About Purgatory It’s probably safe to say that for most Protestant Christians, there are few doctrines more “Catholic” than Purgatory. Unfortunately, most people’s understanding of Purgatory is fraught with myths and misconceptions. First, here’s how the Catechism describes… Continue Reading →
6 Harassing Lies of The Devil to Avoid Ever since Adam and Eve tasted the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden, Satan has been harassing us. The efforts of the Father of Lies to distort the truth—and his attempts… Continue Reading →
10 Amazing Fact About Late Queen Elizabeth II In Her Honour The British Royal Family, on Thursday, announced the death of Queen Elizabeth II at the age of 96. A statement from the Royal Family on Twitter said the respected… Continue Reading →
This Marian Prayer Could Bring Tears to Your Eyes A new prayer for the Virgin Mary has gone viral and thanks to her “for being a mother who will never leave” us. This Marian prayer has been written and it… Continue Reading →
5 Easy Ways To Grow in Catholic Faith With Your Kids Young children are great imitators, especially in matters of faith, but teens will watch you closely to see if you your actions truly match your words. The following are… Continue Reading →
Nativity Of The Blessed Virgin Mary (and Prayer); 8th September. The Bible doesn’t say anything about Mary’s birth, but we know that she was born. Like all parents, Mary’s parents—we call them Joachim and Ann—probably took one look at their… Continue Reading →
4 Powerful Intercessory Prayer to St. Monica For A Wayward Person Prayer #1) Exemplary Mother of the Great Augustine, you perseveringly pursued your wayward son, not with wild threats but with prayerful cries to heaven. Intercede for all mothers in… Continue Reading →
3 Wonderful Graces Of The Holy Communion There are special graces that God gives us whenever we participate in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. In particular, there are three graces that come from receiving Holy Communion worthily. The Catechism… Continue Reading →
6 THINGS THAT CAN INCITE GOD’S ANGER, TO AVOID. The Bible says, “be angry and do not sin,” and during Jesus’ sinless life He expressed righteous indignation at pivotal moments to teach His us all eternal lessons. Here are six… Continue Reading →
3 Set of People God Will Never Destroy Just as he did to the Rich Man, Heavenly Father can destroy a person by sending him into a world of everlasting torture, suffering, and gnashing teeth. Despite this truth, there are… Continue Reading →
5 Things To Expect When Attending Mass Trusting in God’s promises requires that we build godly faith. Having faith in God is a key part of being a Catholic and going to Mass is a key part of the Catholic… Continue Reading →
6 Sins That Can Erase Your Name From The Book Of Life When you receive Jesus Christ as the Lord of your life, God’s angels use a golden pen, and gold ink to write your name in God’s Book of… Continue Reading →