Holy Father, Speaks Powerfully On Today’s Reading A reading from the First Letter of St. Paul to the Corinthians 1 COR 2:10B-16 Brothers and sisters: The Spirit scrutinizes everything, even the depths of God. Among men, who knows what pertains… Continue Reading →
6 WONDERFUL THINGS TO ADORE ABOUT THE VIRGIN MARY Mary, the mother of Jesus, commonly referred to as Mary, Mother of God, Saint Mary, Virgin Mary and Blessed Virgin Mary, is one of the most admired figures in Scripture and… Continue Reading →
3 Words Jesus’ Wants You to Know Today If instead of being fair in our judgment we become cunning, instead of being merciful we become rigid, and instead of being faithful we become opportunistic, then what is the point? Today’s… Continue Reading →
5 KEYS TO FORGIVENESS EVERY BELIEVER NEEDS “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do” (Luke 23:34). These are among the last words that Jesus spoke. As he endures the greatest suffering imaginable, he prays for those who… Continue Reading →
The First Pure Form of Original Sin The Communion of Saints, as detailed in the Apostles Creed, consists of all baptized Christians, past, present, and future. This mystical affiliation that spans Heaven and Earth cannot be quantified in temporal terms… Continue Reading →
Do You Know Of The Final Communion for Believers Given By Jesus The Communion of Saints, as detailed in the Apostles Creed, consists of all baptized Christians, past, present, and future. This mystical affiliation that spans Heaven and Earth… Continue Reading →
MOST SAY PRAYER TO THE BLESSED VIRGIN DURING BENEDICTION Composed by Pope Leo XIII Hail Mary, Full of Grace, The Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus. Holy Mary,… Continue Reading →
3 Powerful Sacramentals You Should Have At Home These religious items carry a big spiritual punch that can protect your family. The use of sacramentals is one of the most misunderstood practices in the Catholic Church. These 3 Powerful sacramentals… Continue Reading →
7 Powerful Prayer in Catholic History We all face unusual circumstances from time to time. One of the best pieces of advice is to handle these times by seeking God in prayer and fasting, being incredibly attentive to his words… Continue Reading →
Virtues You Need to Keep The Devil Away Virtues! We all think we have virtues, but so many people can’t name more than a few of them. In the Catholic Church, there are three very distinct categories of virtues which… Continue Reading →
St Rose Teaches Us of The Powerful Grace That comes With Suffering The spiritual life is not always full of roses. It also contains many thorns. At times we can become discouraged, especially when we encounter any type of suffering… Continue Reading →
Invoking The Grace and Favour of the Might Prophet ELIJAH As the ‘spiritual father’ of the Order, Carmelites invoke the prophet St. Elijah in prayer, asking – like his disciple Elisha – for a double portion of his spirit. The… Continue Reading →
4 ways control is ruining your relationship with Jesus Life can often seem in the balance. The daily pressures of life and the great tragedies in the world around us can lead even those deeply grounded in Christ with a… Continue Reading →
6 Devotional Prayers To Honour JESUS Like our spiritual brothers and sisters in Christ, it is of the utmost importance to us to try to honor Jesus in some way every day of our lives. We firmly believe that He… Continue Reading →
7 Powerful Saints To Call Upon For Various Impossible Situations Whenever we’re frightened, we should always pray to God and thank Him for His help. But we’re also encouraged to pray for the intercession of saints. Although they’re human souls,… Continue Reading →
6 Powerful Marian Devotions to Know Since the beginning of Christianity, many Christians have had a special admiration of and intense trust in Mary. But, unfortunately, that dedication is often misunderstood by other Christians. Some believe that those who have… Continue Reading →
What Jesus Needs From You To Answer Your Prayer My faith can make rivers of mercy flow for those who are unable to move forward. My love for Christ can bring forgiveness to the world. Today’s readings can be found… Continue Reading →
5 Powerful Prayer To Say During the Liturgy Of The Eucharist at Mass One time-honored way to grow in our appreciation for this holiest of Sacraments is to offer prayers of thanksgiving after each holy communion. Doing so reminds us… Continue Reading →
The Saint That Preached Of Repentance After Being Beheaded Here’s a short story of the Saint who preached a sermon after being beheaded. Saint Denis picked up his head and preached a sermon on repentance after being beheaded under the… Continue Reading →
PRAYING THE BLOOD OF JESUS ON YOUR FAMILY RIGHT NOW Ask God, through the merits of the Precious Blood of Jesus, to bless your friends and family. Devotion to the Precious Blood of Jesus is an ancient devotion, one… Continue Reading →
Say This Miraculous St. Francis Prayer Before A Crucifix In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen Most high, glorious God, enlighten the darkness of my heart and give me, Lord, a… Continue Reading →
What The Church does to A Priest With A Child When the Vatican Congregation for Clergy developed guidelines a decade ago for handling cases of priests who father children, the first objective was to make it easier for those men… Continue Reading →
Will My Child Who Committed Suicide Make Heaven? A Mother Cry Will a child that commits suicide go to heaven? Answer: Catechism of the Catholic Church: 2282 …Grave psychological disturbances, anguish, or grave fear of hardship, suffering, or torture can… Continue Reading →
The Pope’s special envoy to the Dominican Republic, Archbishop Peña Parra: Like Mary, may we welcome Christ in our lives and world The Pope’s special envoy to the Dominican Republic, Archbishop Peña Parra, presides over the closing Mass for the… Continue Reading →
Daily Reflection ( Wages of Forgiveness) Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. (Colossians 3:13) When people hurt us….. forgiveness can feel like defeat…. Continue Reading →
SOULS OR DEMONS? Why You Should Not Consult The Dead First a warning from the Church “Let no one be found among you who sacrifices their son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages… Continue Reading →
6 Reasons To Celebrate The Powerful Assumption of Mary The Assumption of Mary, which we celebrate on August 15, is not just a Catholic extra or add-on to the fundamentals of the faith. It is a vitally important teaching with… Continue Reading →
5 Secret Of Our Lady Of Fatima’s Apparition Revealed by a Pope For the past century individuals around the world have developed theories meant to decipher the hidden message of the three “secrets” of Fatima. Yet, Sister Lucia said herself… Continue Reading →
You Don’t Want To Miss This Scriptural Blessings Over You God will not allow any circumstance, or any person, to hold us back from His blessing, favor, and purpose for our lives. We don’t have to worry. Because we belong… Continue Reading →
FEAST OF ST. CLARE OF ASSISI August 11 is the memorial of St. Clare, one of my favourite saints. She was the first woman to follow the life of radical poverty practiced by St. Francis of Assisi and is the… Continue Reading →