Category Evangelization

Should I Obey My Superior or The Bible?

Should I Obey My Superior or The Bible? So, Should You Obey Your Superior or the Bible? Hopefully, both. But what about when there’s a disagreement between the two? If you say “The Bible,” then you are just like Martin… Continue Reading →

10 Ways To Honour The Immaculate Heart of Mary in This Powerful Month of August

    10 Ways To Honour The Immaculate Heart of Mary in This Powerful Month of August Did you know that in the Catholic Church, each of the 12 months of the year has a devotional theme? August is the… Continue Reading →

5 Powerful Lessons From Jabez Prayer to Help You Get Answered Prayers

                                       5 Powerful Lessons From Jabez Prayer to Help You Get Answered Prayers “Jabez cried out to the God of Israel, “Oh… Continue Reading →

Old age ‘fruitful time to bear witness to Christ’ -Pope Francis Words to The World

  “Old age is the phase in life most suited to spreading the joyful news that life is the initiation to a final fulfilment.” – Pope Francis Pope Francis concludes his catechesis on the value and meaning of old age… Continue Reading →

The Divine Works Of A Religious Order

The Divine Works Of A Religious Order Religious orders offer a unique way of living out one’s faith and contributing to the mission of the church. Each is a calling not suited to everyone. But for those who find a… Continue Reading →

The Great Last Words Of These 4 Powerful Saints

The Great Last Words Of These 4 Powerful Saints The stories of the deaths of 4 powerful Saints Francis of Assisi Then, as the hour of his departure was fast approaching, Francis called all the brethren to him. He consoled… Continue Reading →

Feast St. Theresa Benedicta of the Cross

  Feast St. Theresa Benedicta of the Cross “Life in a Jewish family” Born in 1891 into a loving, observant German Jewish family on the holiest day of the Jewish calendar, the Day of Atonement, Edith Stein was an extraordinary… Continue Reading →

Do You know There Are Only 2 Criteria To Being Jesus’ Disciple!

Do You know There Are Only 2 Criteria To Being Jesus’ Disciple! Jesus lays out the path of discipleship in a passage from St. Matthew’s Gospel. Jesus said to his disciples, “Whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself,… Continue Reading →

St. John Don Bosco 7 Powerful Guide to Raising A Child

St. John Don Bosco 7 Powerful Guide to Raising A Child One of the most challenging things about raising a child is knowing how, and when, to discipline. What is a parent (or teacher) to do when a kid knows… Continue Reading →


5 POWERFUL WAYS TO FIGHT ABORTION SPIRITUALLY THROUGH OUR LADY The battle against abortion is never over; more and more countries are considering this a human right. This means sanctioning the deaths of millions of unborn children worldwide. We also… Continue Reading →

The Punishment For Missing Mass

The Punishment For Missing Mass It is not really a black or white answer since you need to understand first what constitutes a mortal sin. A grave matter Full knowledge Willful consent   So, is it a grave matter to… Continue Reading →

King David’s Powerful Deliverance Prayer That Saved Him and Can Save You

King David’s Powerful Deliverance Prayer That Saved Him and Can Save You Pursued by his own brother, David prayed for God to deliver him from his enemies. It seems most of us have enemies who out of a twisted sense… Continue Reading →

Never Name Your Guardian Angel, Here Is Why.

Never Name Your Guardian Angel, Here Is Why. There is a somewhat prevalent error among many Catholics to try to discover the name of their guardian Angels. On the surface, it seems like this is a good idea; after all,… Continue Reading →

Chaplet to The Sacred Heart of Jesus

Chaplet to The Sacred Heart of Jesus In the name of the FATHER, and of the SON and of the HOLY SPIRIT ”Soul of Christ, sanctify me! Body of Christ, save me! Blood of Christ, inebriate me! Water from the… Continue Reading →

The Kind Of Powers The Catholic Church Gave to Grandparents?

The Kind Of Powers The Catholic Church Gave to Grandparents? One of the most painful experiences for faithful Catholic parents is knowing that your kids don’t share your faith. This pain is compounded when your kids have their own children,… Continue Reading →

8 Famously Asked catholic Q&A’s even Catholics ask

8 Famously Asked Catholic Q&A’s even Catholics ask Why do Catholics Genuflect before the Tabernacle? When they pass the Blessed Sacrament, Catholics go down on one knee to honour the Real Presence. This posture of subservience makes perfect sense, since… Continue Reading →

This Two Unfailing Intercessors You Should Always pray to

  This Two Unfailing Intercessors You Should Always pray to “Peace and Good, my brothers in Christ Jesus. Dear, flock of the Lord, bringing you the Peace of the Good Lord. Brothers in Christ ask for the humble intercession of… Continue Reading →


WHAT OUR LADY, WANTS FROM US It is now up to you the children of God, who are also the children of My Son, Your Redeemer Jesus Christ, to bring about an end to world wars and to usher in… Continue Reading →


WHAT HAPPENS WHEN WE RELY ON THE HEAVENS FOR STRENGTH We may ‘know’ that everything we have comes from God, but when we run into some difficulties, we tend to try to manage them by our self. However, this is… Continue Reading →


WHAT IS EXPECTED OF US TO DO DURING THE ORDINARY TIMES IN THE LITURGICAL CALENDER We are back in Ordinary Time in the Church liturgical year. And sometimes, ordinary can seem well, so very common, mundane, and maybe boring. The… Continue Reading →


THE SWEET SECRETS OF THE LORD’S PRAYER It startles me a bit to realize that we are to make any demand of God. Likely only a bit because the Our Father is so common to us and we say it… Continue Reading →

How To Ask Jesus To Come Into Our Souls Through COMMUNION

  How To Ask Jesus To Come Into Our Souls Through COMMUNION Often when we approach holy communion at Mass, we do not have any sensible feelings. It can be tempting to regard communion as a common event, something that… Continue Reading →

Why Should I Be Modesty?

Why Should I Be Modesty? Modesty in dress is getting rare. Little see the value in it. Modesty does go all of the way back to Adam and Eve, but only after the fall. They try to cover themselves and… Continue Reading →

Satan’s Entry Point Into Your Life you Must Guard

Satan’s Entry Point Into Your Life you Must Guard If Satan isn’t anything else, he’s a manipulator. He knows how to get in our heads and control our thoughts. Satan wants nothing more than to move into certain areas of… Continue Reading →

How To Be An Intercessor

How To Be An Intercessor How often does someone say to you, “please pray for me?” After that request will usually come a specific reason prayers are needed. And so we pray for the person out of charity, compassion and… Continue Reading →


SHOULD PARENTS BRING THEIR YOUNG CHILDREN FOR MASS? At the baptism of a child, parents and sponsors promise to teach their children the Catholic faith and “to bring them up according to the law of Christ and His Church.” The… Continue Reading →

Inebriation With The Precious Blood Oh Jesus

Inebriation With The Precious Blood Oh Jesus There is an old hymn that is popular for after the reception of Holy Communion called the Anima Christi, or Soul of Christ. It is a beautiful prayer asking Jesus to take possession of us… Continue Reading →


5 AFFIRMATIONS FOR ANXIETY Do you struggle with anxiety? If so, you are not alone. Anxiety is one of the most common mental health issues in the United States. But that doesn’t mean you have to suffer alone. There are… Continue Reading →

EUCHARISTIC MIRACLES: living Heart of Jesus Found

EUCHARISTIC MIRACLES: living Heart of Jesus Found A host was discovered in the tabernacle of the Church of Santa Maria y Caballito Almagro which appeared to have changed into a piece of bloody tissue. A small part of the host… Continue Reading →

The Words of Our Lady Coming To Life?

The Words of Our Lady Coming To Life? I wondered the other day, how the world would look if the Second World War did not happen. No Nazi’s, no holocaust nor concentration camps, no mourning widows and orphans, no dead… Continue Reading →

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