PRAYER TO OUR LADY OF EVANGELIZATION Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come; thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive… Continue Reading →
HOW TO HEAR FROM GOD Saints and biblical characters distanced themselves from others to better hear the voice of God. Whenever a saint or biblical character wanted to hear God; they almost always distanced themselves from other people and sought solitude…. Continue Reading →
THE POWER OF CATHOLIC REPARATION FOR SINS; Catholics believe in the duty to repair the spiritual damage done by our sins and the sins of humanity. Ever since Adam and Eve, humans have tried to repair the damage they inflict… Continue Reading →
WHY WE NEED TO CULTIVATE OUR FAITH IN GOD We learn an important lesson from Judas. He was called and gifted to become one of Jesus’ disciples. He received faith to heal the sick and cast out demons. Yet St…. Continue Reading →
PRAYER FOR SPIRITUAL COMMUNION Prayer unites you with God and all the Masses said throughout the world. If you are unable to attend Mass on Sunday and remain at home, you can still unite yourself to God and all the… Continue Reading →
EVERY CATHOLIC FIVE GUIDELINES FOR DAILY SPIRITUAL PLANNING These are suggestions and a beginning, not a law written in stone. If followed sincerely they will bring you closer to God. Remember that these are not mere things to accomplish,… Continue Reading →
Discouragement is a spirit and it comes often when you do the right things, but get little or no result. Many of us will walk through a life-altering tragedy at some point in our life. But for most of us,… Continue Reading →
As Catholics we have been taught about charity work through the gospels and various practices like outreaches. St. Thomas Aquinas esteems charity as “the most excellent of the virtues.” Charities fulfills the Church’s role in the mission of helping anyone… Continue Reading →
Bible reading should be a core activity and not to be considered as the addition to life. For Christians, reading the Bible is a core activity and not an add-on. It offers a wide range of facts and Bible trivia…. Continue Reading →
We often get betrayed and hurt(physically, mentally) by people, and sometimes see evil people walk the streets unpunished. We long for wrongs to be put right and for punishments to be meted out, as deeply imprinted in our souls is… Continue Reading →
SURRENDERING TO JESUS CHRIST Men ought to surrender to God always, to offer your servant hood to God. If you were to build a tower you would hopefully be prudent enough to plan ahead, making sure you had enough resources… Continue Reading →
Mother Teresa was a wonderful woman of God who gave her life for the poor and sick in Calcutta. She is known for her deep faith and commitment to love and prayer. May these quotes on prayer deepen your own… Continue Reading →
PETER CHANEL, PRIEST, FIRST MARTYR OF OCEANIA Born in France in 1803, St Peter Chanel did pastoral work there for a few years after ordination, and then entered the Marist Society and was sent to Oceania. There was considerable resistance… Continue Reading →
God is not biased or partial he is a just God. There are many great woman in the bible whom God has used such as; Esther a great woman whom God blessed and gave favour in the site of the… Continue Reading →
The great price of saints paid As the great apostles in the bible suffered, so too the great servants of God went through trials throughout history. Matthew 5:10-12; Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is… Continue Reading →
In the name of the father, son and the holy spirit. Come oh holy spirit and feel the heart of the faithful, and enkindle in them the fire of your love. Father, I come to you today with faith so small I… Continue Reading →
DO YOU KNOW! THIS FIVE WAYS TO HELP YOU CULIVATE PATIENCE “By your patience you will save your souls.” (Lk 21:19) All of us must strive to practice patience. As of primary importance, Saint Ignatius of Loyola insists on this,… Continue Reading →
Can a soul be saved from hell through prayers? The teaching of the Church affirms the existence of hell and its eternity. Immediately after death the souls faces judgement, and those who die in a state of mortal sin descend… Continue Reading →
In Nigeria, the western part of Africa a very famous gospel singer was unfortunate a victim of domestic violence and lost her life in the process. Osinachi was known for her powerful spirit lifting songs that brought tears and… Continue Reading →
GOOD FRIDAY REFLECTION PRAYER On this Good Friday, as you gaze upon the crucifixion of Jesus and reflect upon His brutal agony and His earthly death, try to look beyond His human suffering to His perfect surrender. Try to see… Continue Reading →
This is a perfect season to revisit the story of the crucifixion. One of the ways Christians have traditionally meditated on Good Friday is by reading and reflecting on the seven last words of Jesus from the cross. The… Continue Reading →
The rosary is a blessed bead, used to say intercessory prayer to our blessed virgin Mary. It is a special way to pray, and is powerful not only because of the use of blessed beads (Rosaries) but because of the… Continue Reading →
PICTURE PROOF OF JESUS APPEARING AT THE HOLY SEPULCHRE Want to see something absolutely incredible? A group of pilgrims (including Fr. Calloway and Jim Caviezel) went with [206 tours] to the Holy Land. On May 4, 2019, the large group of… Continue Reading →
Prayer of Consecration to the Holy Spirit On my knees I before the great multitude of heavenly witnesses I offer myself, soul and body to You, Eternal Spirit of God. I adore the brightness of Your purity, the unerring keenness… Continue Reading →
THE IRISH SAINT, FURSEY WHO GOT BURNT BY A DEMON Fursey (died 648) was an Irish monk who helped to advance Christianity in both East Anglia and northern France. Precisely where and when Fursey was born is unknown. The Venerable… Continue Reading →
OPENING PRAYER Living God, you freed the people of Israel from cruel slavery in Egypt and led them to a promised land “flowing with milk and honey.” We ask you to liberate today all the children, women, and men who… Continue Reading →
The GREAT MOUNT OLIVE WHERE JESUS WALKED The Mount of Olives is one of Jerusalem’s seven hills, it is mentioned only twice in the Old Testament and at least twelve times in the New. It is safe to say is of significance… Continue Reading →
THE HOLY EUCHARIST Holy Eucharist is the sacrament in which Jesus Christ gives his Body and Blood himself for us, so that we too might give ourselves to him in love and be united with him in Holy COMMUNION. In… Continue Reading →
ALTAR An altar, in religion, a raised structure or place that is used for sacrifice, worship, or prayer. The altar is the table that the community gather around under the leadership of the Priest to remember God’s love for us… Continue Reading →
THE PROCESS TO BECOME A CATHOLIC SAINT In the most basic and broadest sense, all souls who are in heaven are Saints. The Church formally recognizes and names many of these Saints through the process of canonization. While only a… Continue Reading →