Catholics seek the intercession of saints not because they can’t come before our Lord, is not done because they are afraid of our Lord or because He would be offended by us going directly to Him. It is ideally done as an act of the utmost humility. By entrusting our prayer to those who are in Heaven, gazing upon the face of God. But relying upon the intercession of the saints is also a way of acknowledging that we are not worthy, by our own merits, to stand before the Lord and bring Him our request. This humility can be difficult to understand at times.
As humans we normally seek the face of people we want to interact with, if we have an important request to make of them, we do so in person. We go to the person and make our request of them, yet there are times when we seek the intercession of other to help with the request we have to make. And though we certainly can go to our Lord in prayer, there is something very humble about bringing our needs to our Lord through the intercession of another. Specifically, there is something very humble about asking for the intercession of the saints. This is an act of humility, Catholics still come directly to the father in payer and to state their petitions.