“By your patience you will save your souls.” (Lk 21:19)

All of us must strive to practice patience. As of primary importance, Saint Ignatius of Loyola insists on this, we must beg for the grace from God to be patient.

Therefore, let us consider this brief strategy, a clear and practical program on how we can eventually, with the help of God’s grace, attain that most important and most needed virtue of patience. With God’s grace all is possible. Or, if you like: “Nothing is impossible with God!” (Lk 1:37). Let us consider then, the Five Ways to Help Cultivate Patience;


  1. Ask for Grace

Our help is in the name of the Lord who made heaven and earth.” (Ps 124:8) Even the great Apostle Paul cried out: “When I am weak, it is then that I am strong.” (2 Cor 12:10)


  1. God’s Infinite and Permanent Love

Jesus came not for the perfect but for the sinners, and all of us fall into that category. As Saint Paul so clearly reminds us in Romans: “Where sin abounds, the mercy of God abounds all the more.” (Rom 5:20) Therefore, pray and meditate upon this most simple but profound truth: God really does love me always and without limitations. His love is both eternal and infinite.


  1. Contemplate the Crucifix

in your life, when it seems as if the cross you are carrying is unbearable, lift up your eyes to contemplate Jesus hanging on the cross, loving all of humanity and patiently enduring the pain for all. You will receive a special grace to practice patience.


  1. Meditate Upon Heaven—Your Ultimate Destiny

Eye has not seen, ear has not heard, nor has it entered into the mind of man the wonderful things that God has prepared for those who love Him.” (1 Cor 2:9)


  1. Three Areas Where We Must Especially Be on Guard and Beg for the Grace

1) with God,2) with others,3) with ourselves


Therefore, we practice patience not on our accord but by the grace of GOD.