Intercession Through ST. PADRE PIO For Impossible Requests
in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen
Jesus keeps nothing for Himself of what is done for love of Him,
and He will repay us very lavishly. Don’t let us make our
happiness depend on enjoying wonderful health, or else we
should be just like those foolish worldly people to whom it is
not given to know the secrets of heaven…. Continue to love
Jesus, and make an effort to love Him more and more, without
wanting to know anything else He alone will steer us to the
haven of salvation.
Gracious God, you generously blessed your servant, Padre Pio,
with the gifts of the Spirit. You marked his body with the five
wounds of Christ Crucified, as a powerful witness to the saving
Passion and Death of your Son, and as a stirring inspiration to
many people of your infinite mercy, forgiveness and love.
In the confessional, Padre Pio laboured endlessly for the
salvation of souls. Through his powerful intercession, many
who suffered were healed of sickness and disease. Endowed
with the gift of discernment, he could read people’s hearts.
With dignity and intense devotion, he celebrated daily Mass,
inviting countless men and women to a greater union with
Jesus Christ, in the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist.
Through the intercession of Saint Pio, we confidently beseech
you to grant us the grace of…
(state your petition here).
Help us to imitate his example of prayerful holiness and
compassion, so that we, too, may faithfully follow the Risen Lord,
and one day rejoice in the Kingdom, where you live and reign
forever and ever. Amen.
Glory be, to the Father, to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.
As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be,
a world without end. AMEN
St. Padre Pio, pray for us (3 times)
in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen