Powerful Prayer for Strength in Weakness

In the name of the Father, and of the Son

and of the Holy Spirit. Amen

Dear Lord, I’m weary. My energy is sagging,

 and my motivation is lagging. And I am so in need of you.

I need your strength and your fresh touch to get back

 on track again. Your Word says the joy of the Lord is

 my strength. If that is true, then I need your joy to

replace all the bone-tired parts of my mind, body, and soul.


The pressures of life sometimes push me into corner,

rendering me helpless to move forward. A hundred voices

 call my name, and I feel paralyzed at times to answer,

not knowing where to turn. Lord, help me not to quit, to

keep running the race faithfully, and to find strength in that

safe, secret place of yours, under the shadow of the Almighty.


I need your strength to say no when I’m tempted to surrender

 to harmful things, or when selfishness clings to my clothes

 and won’t let go. I need your strength to say yes, when

cowardice and fear nudge me to deny the convictions

of my heart. I need your strength to reach out in love

 to those both close to me and all around me.

 When don’t I need your strength, God?


You are my rock, and I run to you today, believing that

 you will lift up my heavy arms, that you will fuel me for

 the tasks you’ve given me, and that your joy will completely

 consume the weakness of my life and make me strong again.

I don’t want to stay grounded, crippled by limitations and

failed attempts. I’m tired of feeble efforts. Lord, I want to

mount up with wings like an eagle and not just fly. I want to soar.


Renew my strength, Lord. Fill me with your supernatural power

 to overcome each obstacle in my path. With my eyes on you,

Lord, with you walking beside me, working through me,

I can make it. Thank you, Lord! In Jesus’s name, Amen


In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen