Lord, You have called us to priestly ministry

in a particular moment of history,

as in the times of the first Apostles,

when You desire that all Christians,

and in a particular way Your priests,

might be witnesses to the wonders of God

and the strength of Your Spirit.


Allow therefore your priest to be a witness to the dignity of human life,

to the grandeur of love,

and to the power of the ministry which they have received.

May their entire life be dedicated to You:

for love, only for love, and for a higher love.

May their commitment to celibacy

born of Your mission,

be a joyful and happy affirmation

and a total dedication of theirselves to others

in the service of Your Church.

Give them strength in their weakness,

and gratitude for their steadfastness.


Holy Mother Mary,

greatest and most wonderful mother of all time,

grant that they may entrust their life to you each day.

Mary, font of generosity and dedication,

grant that they may be joined with you

at the foot of the greatest crosses of the world,

experiencing the redeeming pain of the death of your Son,

so that they may enjoy the triumph of the Resurrection

for eternal life. Amen                          


Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be,

world without end. Amen.